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NASPE 2012 Shape of the Nation Report

April 19, 2013 1:30 PM | Deleted user
NASPE is excited to share our second infographic on physical activity! The information in this inaugural series stems from data collected from all 50 states and the District of Columbia in the 2012 Shape of the Nation Report. Physical education is the cornerstone of a comprehensive school physical activity program. School aged children need at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day. This infographic highlights missed opportunities for increasing physical activity outside of physical education class in schools. See which states are taking steps to create more opportunities to get kids moving and which are not. Be sure to also check out NASPE’s first infographic, showcasing the status of physical education in schools. Scroll to the bottom of the Shape of the Nation web page to download and view both visuals. NASPE welcomes you to share the infographics through social media, emails, and other communication platforms to educate others and advocate for physical education and increased physical activity in schools!

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