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2013-2014 HAHPERD/DOE PE Fair Video Competition

November 16, 2013 9:51 AM | Deleted user
If you are a Hawaii state middle school or high school PE teacher, please consider having your students participate in our HAHPERD/DOE PE Fair Video Competition.  Through their participation, your students will learn the importance of living a healthy lifestyle by creating a personal fitness plan that will meet their specific fitness goals. In an exciting effort to incorporate more technology, writing, math, health, and physical education the planning committee decided to make this year's fair a video competition.  So grab your smart phone or tablet and start editing!  Click here to see a sample video submission:

We've also increased the district and overall prizes to include a GoPro Camera, Dr. Dre Beats Headphones, iPod Nano, and generous gift certificates.  So don't delay and promote all the wonderful things you are doing for your students, your school and community as a physical educator!

For more information on please click on the link below:

PE Fair Video Comp Requirements.docx

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