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HPE Teacher Education Committee Meeting

December 11, 2013 11:30 AM | Deleted user

To all friends interested in Health and PE education,


You are invited to attend the Health and Physical Education Teacher Education (HPE TEC) Fall 2013 Meeting


Date: Th Dec 11, 3:30 - 4:15

Location: UHM Department of Kinesiology & Rehabilitation Science (KRS) Conference Room (Lower campus, 2nd floor of the Athletics Complex)

Parking passes will be available.


There are many changes in the profession, the college, and the department that we are excited to share with you! You can also meet our new faculty Dr. Kelly Murphy - formerly from the University of Guam.




1. New! Our new professional name - SHAPE America (formerly AAHPERD)

2. New! EdTPA All pre-service teachers will be required to submit an assessment package that includes a teaching video (think mini National Board package) to be assessed by an outside source (other than UH). Successful completion will be required to attain initial teaching certification.  

3. New! National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education and proposed beginning teacher program standards that include training pre-service teachers on comprehensive school physical activity programing (CSPAP).

4. other items related to HPE programmatic data presentation, streamlining and changes to the undergraduate and graduate curriculum, and solidifying the notion of common teaching methods and curriculum across pre-service and in-service teaching.


Following the meeting, you are also invited to attend our Student Teacher Capstone Presentations which begins at 4:30.


Please email RSVP by Monday Nov 26th. Parking will be included. You can also attend the meeting online via Blackboard if you are unable to drive to UH by accessing

Hope to see you soon!

Charles F. Morgan, PhD

Associate Professor

University of Hawaii

Department of Kinesiology & Rehabilitation Science

1337 Lower Campus Rd, PE/A Complex 216

Honolulu, HI 96822


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