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HAHPERD Supports the 2015 Keiki Great Aloha Run

April 13, 2015 12:35 PM | Deleted user
     HAHPERD members were proud partners of the 2015 Keiki Great Aloha Run. Our members attended the planning meetings, helped to promote the event in schools, coordinated the packet pick-up, manned the t-shirt distributions, and on the morning of Feburary 14, 2015 cheered on the 2,000 participants - keiki, parents and supporters.   

     This year, $31,500 was raised; these funds will be distributed to 133 public and private schools on Oahu to benefit nutrition and physical education programs.  It was a festive morning - with Augie T. as the emcee, young dancers from KES Dance Fitness Team and Dr. Wizard Hound to energize the runners, cheerleaders from McKinley High School to cheer them on, and free admission to the Great Aloha Sports, Health and Fitness Expo, Donna Ede, a Board Member of Kaho`omiki and member of HAHPERD, said "the money generated from this even has the potential of touching over 50,000 school children in the form of: asphalt paint to create game boundaries on parking areas; clothesline and caution tape for make shift nets;laundry baskets to hold balls and equipment; beans and material to make bean bags; and much more.  Our efforts help to ensure that teachers won't have to pay out of pocket for these little extras!"

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