What do you get when you combine lots of aloha, with one of our nation's most passionate and decorated PE professionals, a SWD TOY, one of the top PE equipment providers, with over 200 teachers, at five different sites, on four islands, for five straight days in Hawaii? Whew, makes us tired just thinking about it! But that's right, you must be thinking it was the 2016 Hawaii PE Summit with Dr. Robert Pangrazi & Maria Corte.

Many teachers showed up for this free event and attendees sure didn't go home disappointed. Dr. Pangrazi's passion and love for the profession was clearly evident before the workshop even started. He personally greeted attendees as they arrived and immediately shared his philosophy when it came to teaching quality PE. He couldn't express enough how important it was for teachers to have a clear set of rules, effective consequences, research-based management strategies, and for PE teachers to make sure they, "do what they love, and love what they do." The future of our nation's health and well being is too important to just phone it in everyday and simply "roll out the ball".

Throughout the day, attendees were given opportunities to participate in a variety of creative activities that get kids up, moving, exercising, and learning. Past SWD TOY and co-presenter Maria Corte also shared many fun team-building games, fitness relays, and fitness assessment ideas including the use of the Gopher FIT-Step Pedometer. The end of the day was punctuated a raffle giveaway where Gopher handed out free equipment for teachers to bring back to their schools. Sponsored by Gopher Sport and HAHPERD, this event was put on by so many caring volunteers for the dedicated PE & health professionals in our state. Special mahalo to everyone from the DOE, HAHPERD, Gopher Sport, Dr. Pangrazi and Maria Corte for all your time and hard work in making the entire week a great success!
Below are some of the handouts from the PE Summit